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Hot Bird 13F (13.0°E) Transponder 61

Satpositie Sateliet Norad .ini News Kanalen FTA-kanalen Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation Updaten
13.0°E Hot Bird 13F 54048 744 243 12.98°E 0.05° 0.06° N/A N/A 2025-03-14 16:03
13.0°E Hot Bird 13G 54225 806 393 12.97°E 0.00° 0.05° N/A N/A 2025-03-14 16:07

Verdeling per: Codering: Display mode:

19 Antwoord(en) - Verdeling per frequentie - Nieuwe info: CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
13.0°E 19Hot Bird 13F 11938.00H61South EastDVB-S28PSK30000 5/6NOVA, n/a 3186100 KingOfSat charts update form
ERT News News Nova Irdeto 2 7101 130 670 gre  270  130    2024-12-17 +
Novasports Extra 4 HD Sport Nova Irdeto 2 7102 519 720 gre  265  519    2024-12-17 +
Duck TV Children Nova Irdeto 2 7104 513 660 eng  1050  513    2024-12-17 +
Adult Pack Info Nova Irdeto 2 7105 528 770  49  528    2024-12-17
Nova Cinema 3 Movies Nova Irdeto 2 7106 515 680 eng  258  515    2024-12-17 +
Mad Greekz Music Nova Irdeto 2 7107 516 691 gre  55  516    2024-12-17 +
Novasports News HD Sport Nova Irdeto 2 7108 517 700 gre
701 eng 
256  517    2024-12-17 +
One Channel HD Various Nova Irdeto 2 7109 518 710 gre  261  518    2024-12-17 +
Epic Drama HD Series Nova Irdeto 2 7112 526 653 gre
654 eng 
480  526    2024-12-17 +
Nova Cinema 2 HD Movies Nova Irdeto 2 7114 529 781 gre  269  529    2024-12-17 +
Cosmote Sport 4 HD Sport Nova Irdeto 2 7115 511 655 gre
656 eng 
337  511    2024-12-17 +
Cosmote Sport 5 HD Sport Nova Irdeto 2 7116 520 657 gre
658 eng 
338  520    2024-12-17 +
Cosmote Sport 6 HD Sport Nova Irdeto 2 7118 521 661 gre
662 eng 
339  521    2024-12-17 +
Cartoonito HD EMEA Children Nova Irdeto 2 7122 527 125 eng
784 gre
785 eng 
6701  527  3000  2024-12-17 +
Adult Pack Info Nova FTA 7124 528 770  48  528    2024-12-17
Novacinema2HD Cy Nova Irdeto 2 7125 529 781 gre  282  529    2024-12-17
Novacinema3HD Cy Nova Irdeto 2 7126 515 680  283  515    2024-12-17
Mad Radio Nova Irdeto 2 7117   721 gre  273  721    2024-12-17
Cobalt Data Nova FTA 7119     284  8191    2024-12-17

Detailed transponder stream properties (11938.00 H)

SID Ident. PID Format Colorimetry Width Height Aspect Ratio Frame rate
Sampling rate
Bitrate mode Bitrate Scan type Updaten
7101 130 AVC 4, High N/A N/A FPS 2024-11-17
7101 670 MPEG Audio 2024-11-17
7102 32 MPEG Audio 2024-11-17
7102 519 AVC 4, High N/A N/A FPS 2024-11-17
7102 720 MPEG Audio 2024-11-17
7104 513 AVC 4, High N/A N/A FPS 2024-11-17
7104 660 MPEG Audio 2024-11-17
7105 528 AVC 4, Main N/A N/A FPS 2024-11-17
7105 770 MPEG Audio 2024-11-17
7106 515 AVC 4, High N/A N/A FPS 2024-11-17
7106 680 AC-32 channels 2024-11-17
7106 681 MPEG Audio 2024-11-17
7107 516 AVC 4, High N/A N/A FPS 2024-11-17
7107 691 MPEG Audio 2024-11-17
7108 517 AVC 4, High N/A N/A FPS 2024-11-17
7108 700 MPEG Audio 2024-11-17
7108 701 MPEG Audio 2024-11-17
7109 518 AVC 4, High N/A N/A FPS 2024-11-17
7109 710 MPEG Audio, Layer 2 CBR 2024-11-17
7112 526 AVC 4, Main N/A N/A FPS 2024-11-17
7112 653 MPEG Audio, Layer 2 CBR 2024-11-17
7112 654 MPEG Audio, Layer 2 CBR 2024-11-17
7114 529 AVC 4, High N/A N/A FPS 2024-11-17
7114 781 AC-32 channels 2024-11-17
7114 786 MPEG Audio 2024-11-17
7115 511 AVC 4, High N/A N/A FPS 2024-11-17
7115 655 MPEG Audio 2024-11-17
7115 656 MPEG Audio 2024-11-17
7116 520 AVC 4, High N/A N/A FPS 2024-11-17
7116 657 MPEG Audio 2024-11-17
7116 658 MPEG Audio 2024-11-17
7117 721 MPEG Audio 2024-11-17
7118 521 AVC 4, High N/A N/A FPS 2024-11-17
7118 661 MPEG Audio 2024-11-17
7118 662 MPEG Audio 2024-11-17
7122 527 AVC 4, Main N/A N/A FPS 2024-11-17
7122 784 MPEG Audio, Layer 2 CBR 2024-11-17
7122 785 MPEG Audio, Layer 2 CBR 2024-11-17

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