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CGTN (Alle satellieten) - 30 Antwoord(en) - Nieuwe info: CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E)
9.0°E 1Eutelsat 9B 11996.00VE15EuropeDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4GCUK/E9B_15, 38 Mb/s 1133 KingOfSat charts update form
CGTN Documentary Documentaries Globecast FTA 623 4301 4311  4398  4399    2025-03-13 +
Hot Bird 13F / Hot Bird 13G (13.0°E)
13.0°E 1Hot Bird 13G 11034.00V126EuropeDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4GCP/EHB13C/126, 38 Mb/s 31812600 KingOfSat charts update form
CGTN News Globecast FTA 1706 620 630 eng  600  620    2024-03-14 +
13.0°E 6Hot Bird 13G 11585.00V154EuropeDVB-S28PSK27500 5/6CCTV Overseas 50I, 68.2 Mb/s 31815400 KingOfSat charts update form
CGTN News CCTV FTA 872 513 660 eng  257  513    2025-03-07 +
CGTN Documentary Documentaries CCTV FTA 873 514 670 eng  258  514    2025-03-07 +
CGTN Espaňol HD General CCTV FTA 874 515 680 eng  260  515    2025-03-07 +
CGTN Français HD General CCTV FTA 875 516 690 fra  261  516    2025-03-07 +
CGTN Russia General CCTV FTA 876 517 700 rus  262  517    2025-03-07 +
CGTN-A General CCTV FTA 877 518 710 ara  263  518    2025-03-07 +
Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E)
16.0°E 2Eutelsat 16A 11595.25HD07Europe BDVB-S28PSK30000 3/465.3 Mb/s 642 KingOfSat charts update form
CGTN Documentary Documentaries Max TV FTA 131 2825 2569 eng  520  2825    2024-09-15 +
CGTN News Max TV FTA 130 2850 2594 chi  545  2850    2024-09-14 +
Astra 1KR / Astra 1L / Astra 1M / Astra 1N / Astra 1P (19.2°E)
19.2°E 3Astra 1P 11376.50V12EuropeDVB-S28PSK22000 2/3ASTRA 1, 42.6 Mb/s 11012 KingOfSat charts update form
Naam Land Category Packages Codering SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Updaten
CGTN HD General TSA FTA 6381 1011 1012 esp  1600  1011    2025-02-13 +
CGTN Documentary Documentaries TSA FTA 6382 1021 1022 eng  1500  1021    2025-02-13 +
CGTN Français HD General TSA FTA 6383 1031 1032 eng  1400  1031    2025-02-13 +
Badr 4 / Badr 5 / Badr 7 / Badr 8 / Es'hail 2 (26.0°E)
26.0°E 1Badr 8 11785.00V4EMENADVB-SQPSK27500 3/438 Mb/s 702505 KingOfSat charts update form
CGTN Arabic HD General CCTV FTA 11 1110 1120 ara  1100  1110    2024-12-07 +
Eutelsat 36D / Express AMU1 (36.0°E)
36.0°E 1Eutelsat 36D 11938.00HEA12Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, n/a 87865405 KingOfSat charts update form
CGTN News Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 501 273 274  272  273    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 1Express AMU1 12034.00VEA17Fixed 2DVB-SQPSK27500 3/4n/a 87865413 KingOfSat charts update form
CGTN Documentary Documentaries Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1312 545 546  544  545    2025-02-22 +
Turksat 3A / Türksat 4A / Turksat 5B / Turksat 6A (42.0°E)
42.0°E 1Turksat 5B 11265.00V-WestDVB-S28PSK30000 3/466.8 Mb/s 4230901 KingOfSat charts update form
CGTN HD General Digitürk FTA 17011 3611 3711 vo  257  3611    2025-03-08 +
42.0°E 1Turksat 5B 11305.00V-WestDVB-S28PSK30000 3/4Digital Platform, 66.8 Mb/s 4243305 KingOfSat charts update form
Naam Land Category Packages Codering SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Updaten
CGTN Documentary HD Documentaries Digitürk FTA 16901 2701 2801 vo  258  2701    2022-08-05 +
Intelsat 20 (IS-20) (68.5°E)
68.5°E 1Intelsat 20 (IS-20) 4064.00HLM15CCDVB-SQPSK19850 7/8Intelsat, 1.6 kb/s 11 KingOfSat charts update form
CGTN News GLOBECAST FTA 4 1460 1420 eng  5004  1460    2024-08-04 +
Intelsat 10-02 / Thor 5 / Thor 6 / Thor 7 (0.8°W)
0.8°W 2Thor 5 12418.00V37EuropeDVB-SQPSK28000 7/8Telenor, 45.2 Mb/s 7020 KingOfSat charts update form
CGTN HD General Telenor FTA 519 1166 3097 eng  495  1166    2021-07-03 +
CGTN Documentary HD Documentaries Telenor FTA 2029 1172 3102 eng  532  1172    2021-07-03 +
Eutelsat 7 West A / Nilesat 102 / Nilesat 201 / Nilesat 301 (7.0°W)
7.0°W 1Nilesat 201 12015.00V16Middle-EastDVB-SQPSK27500 5/6NAN b/s 204813 KingOfSat charts update form
CGTN News NILESAT FTA 1302 1005 1006 eng  102  1005    2017-10-19 +
Intelsat 34 (55.5°W)
55.5°W 4Intelsat 34 4175.00H22CAmericas & EuropeDVB-S28PSK30000 3/47.9 kb/s 218428 KingOfSat charts update form
CGTN HD General CCTV FTA 883 514 670 eng  258  514    2017-12-31 +
CGTN Documentary HD Documentaries CCTV FTA 884 515 680 eng  259  515    2017-12-31 +
CGTN Espaňol HD General CCTV FTA 885 516 690 esp  260  516    2017-12-31 +
CGTN Français HD General CCTV FTA 886 517 700 eng  261  517    2021-10-31 +
Intelsat 21 (58.0°W)
58.0°W 4Intelsat 21 3840.00H8West HemiDVB-SQPSK27690 7/822.7 Mb/s 5002101 KingOfSat charts update form
Naam Land Category Packages Codering SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Updaten
CGTN Documentary Documentaries CCTV FTA 8 1860 720 eng  5008  1861    2022-04-03 +
CGTN News CCTV FTA 6 513 660 eng  260  129    2021-08-08 +
CGTN Français HD General CCTV FTA 3 514 670 eng  257  130    2021-08-29 +
CGTN Espanol General CCTV FTA 7 518 710 esp  270  134    2021-08-08 +



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